On Friday night, the gaming group met up to play once again. As is his wont at this time of year, Nick (Roberts) showed up for the game to act as GM for the month and run a game. He surprised me and the other players by deciding to run the Primeval RPG for the month, as he wanted to show his appreciation for the work that I had done on the game and running the game over the past few years.
So we got down to work on the player characters and character creation. Nick started off by telling us that he was running the game in the "new world" (ala Primeval: New World) and that we'd be playing in the Vancouver setting, since there's a lot one can do there. He also said that he wanted to take advantage of my knowledge of palaeontology and the like, and asked me to create the palaeontologist of the gaming group characters, so that's what I did. My character is Daniel Halvorsen, a Scandinavian who studied at the University of British Columbia, and has a wealth of palaeontological digs (with some interesting finds under his belt). (If anyone is interested, I can post Daniel up here on my blog.) I won't go into what the other players created for their characters, but suffice to say we have an interesting, diverse mix of player characters. Character generation took less than two hours, as the players around the table are pretty familiar with the game. :)
Once character generation was done, Nick ran us through a couple of samples of combat (more for his sake than ours, so he could get a feel for the combat system), and then started in on the adventure. The player characters, each operating on their own, ended up at the site of a couple of strange deaths in a small woodland cottage setting north of Vancouver. Lots of interesting stuff happened, met some very strange people in that area, and had a run-in with our first prehistoric creature.
All told, the sesssion was decent game, and I had a lot of fun playing the Primeval RPG for a change. Nick did a good job running the game, though he has to get used to working with a couple of the game mechanics, but he mentioned to me afterwards that he really likes the simplicity of the game system. Looking forward to playing this for the rest of the month, for sure! :)