John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Indulgent Shopping

Went out for part of the afternoon to go buy a couple of things, and just get out of the house, plain and simple. Despite the problems I've got with my left ankle and leg.

spross was kind enough to go with me over to CD Warehouse, where I picked up the latest CD from MonkeyJunk, All Frequencies</a>. He bought a copy as well, and on the way to the next destination, we listened to his copy of the CD. Lovely stuff! Blues with an infusion of electric sound.

From there, it was over to the pharmacy at the Independent Grocer, as we both needed to pick up prescriptions. I picked up my Tecta from the next three months or so, and then felt that perhaps it was time to head home. However, we also stopped off at Future Shop, and I picked up a copy of the Epic movie for myself. I loved that film when I saw it in the theatre, and though I'd already bought a copy for a certain someone else, I decided I wanted one, too. :)

By the time I got back to the house, my ankle and leg were hurting something fierce. Too much walking, I guess. None of the medications that I'm taking for it seem to be doing all that much for the pain, although I hope the Aleve is doing something for the inflammation (but it doesn't look like it).

I think I'll be taking it very easy tonight, and keeping my foot elevated as best I can.

Was it worth doing all that walking today? Yes. I needed some cheering up. And I needed a treat, given what's going on in my life.
Tags: ankle, health hut, monkeyjunk, movie hut, music hut, pain, personal, shopping

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