John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Friday Morning Thoughts

Friday morning.

The end of a somewhat shorter week for me, work-wise. While I've been sick all week with the con crud that I came back from Hamilton with, I've been doing the day job to the best of my ability from home, and have been pretty eye achy from it for the most part. The boss has been content with my efforts this week, so I'm glad for that.

On the health side of things, there are days where I feel better and days where I don't. My head is still pretty stuffed (despite the meds that I'm taking for that), and part of me wonders whether it's a sinus infection. I've got an appointment with the doctor next week, so will see what he says (assuming I'm still ill). The cough is still present somewhat, and my voice is reduced to a squeak and a croak at times. The ankle is still the ankle. I need to get the doctor to send me to a specialist, so that's also in the cards at the doctor's appointment next week.

I spoke to the Friday night gamers last night (sort of, see above), and they'll be getting back to me about gaming tonight. (Maybe board games or some such.)

In the meantime, back to work and a bit of other stuff.
Tags: boss, friday gaming group, gaming hut, health hut, home, personal, work

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