John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Saturday Morning Thoughts

I woke up this morning feeling somewhat tired, and a bit cold.

My health has not changed at all the past three days or so, and I am still feeling ill. Stuffed/blocked head, an itch at the back of the throat, lots of phlegm, and a cough now and then. Same old.

Had a good evening with the Friday night gaming group.

We played a few board games, though we did break early last night as the folks saw that I was wilting on the vine.

Will post on the evening of gaming (with photos!) later on, but in the meantime, a friend has volunteered to give me a lift over to the grocery store to pick up some necessities. My car is in the shop for winter tune-up and tire change at the moment.
Tags: board games, friday gaming group, gaming hut, grocery shopping, health hut, personal

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