Once more I puttered around the house somewhat, did a bit of reading and listening to music, wrote a few blog entries here on LiveJournal, and just took it relatively easy. I even managed to write 2,200 words of a piece of fiction that I've been working on of late.
That said, I spent a horrible night. Suffice it to say I woke up at 1:45 am with cramps, but managed to get back to sleep. Then at 5:00 am, I woke up again, and barely made it to the bathroom but unfortunately-- Umm, never mind. I didn't get back to bed until after 6:30 again. I suspect that it was something that I ate yesterday, but can't be sure. I got woken up again around 7:00 am when the kids of the folks visiting the family upstairs (I live in a split-level condo) started pounding on the floor. *sigh*
Since I'm off from work today, Friday, I think this is a good thing. I plan to try and nap and get some sleep possibly after breakfast, though I do need to do a few things today. My bowels are somewhat...irritated again right now, so I'm hoping that a hot shower will help. That and some peppermint tea.
In the meantime, the kids upstairs are still playing to beat the floor. *sigh*