John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Purging RPGs, But Here's What I'm Keeping

Had a pretty decent, if somewhat tiring afternoon today.

spross dropped by the house with some print-outs of stuff for me for gaming purposes, and then he helped me out with sorting out and purging the roleplaying games. As I plan to get rid of and sell a lot of stuff at CanGames 2014 this year.

I'll be posting all sorts of photos (some good, some really bad) in the near future in multiple posts of what I'm going to be selling off, but in the meantime, here's the list of the game lines that I'm not getting rid of (and that will hopefully go to my grave with me!). LOL!

SkyRealms of Jorune
DC Heroes/Blood of Heroes (only LSH stuff)
The Dying Earth
Pendragon, 1st Edition
Doctor Who (FASA)
Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space
Continuum: Roleplaying in the Yet
Mutant City Blues
Dark Continent
Hellcats and Hockeysticks
All For One: Regime Diabolique
The Atlantean Trilogy (The Arcanum, The Bestiary, The Lexicon)
Atlantis: The Second Age (Morrigan Press)
Other Worlds
Terra Primate
WitchCraft RPG (2nd Edition)
Atomic Highway
Rocket Age

and a few more that I'm blanking on right now, including most of the games that I've written for, edited, etc... Still, not as many games as I expected. Though it still comes out to five boxes of games. (And spross, if you remember any that I forgot, please let me know. ;))

And just wait until you see the surprises in among the stuff that I'm going to sell! :)
Tags: cangames, convention, gaming hut, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut

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