The weather outside is somewhat cold, the wind chill factor being the more dominant element, and my bones are just aching in several places. Ah, the signs of getting old... That's not going to stop me today, as I've got a friend coming over to give me a lift to buy some veggies and stuff that I've run out of. (There's something else I need to buy as well, but I can't remember what it is.)
I've got a few other things that I want to do today. Need to do some work on the Atomic Highway game that I'm running on both the Friday and Sunday groups. And I want to continue reading the draft of River of Heaven as well. I want to do some general reading, as I'm rather enjoying my current book read. And then there's a bit of NHL hockey, Olympic events, and curling to watch. If my head is up to it.
In the meantime, time for some breakfast, and then a shower. After that, the grocery shopping.