John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Sunday Morning Quietude

Woke up this morning feeling somewhat headache-y, and my left ankle and leg were hurting something fierce. I've taken some Tylenol and that seems to have dulled the pain, but it's still there.

I'm planning on spending the day resting up, watching a few PVRed episodes and stuff, as well as reading some book or other (since I just finished my latest read), possibly reading some gaming stuff. The preparation stuff for CanGames that I had to do for next weekend is done, so I don't have to worry about that stuff until I do a bit of a re-read of all the adventures and stuff closer to next weekend.

Since today is Mother's Day, I'm taking my mom out for supper, to a place of her choice. The flowers have already been delivered, the card I picked up for her I gave her yesterday when I saw her, and I've spoken to her twice on the phone this morning.

So life is quiet and good. :)
Tags: ankle, cangames, convention, gaming hut, health hut, mother's day, personal

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