John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Thursday Thoughts

I woke up this morning, my birthday, feeling all right, a bit more rested than I've been the last few days (well, week) certainly. Had a few strange dreams, nothing memorable, but nothing unusual for me (or at least I don't think so).

Today is Thursday, and I'm sitting in the office at work. It's somewhat cooler today (thank Goddess!), and I'm a bit more comfortable at the office this morning. Usually July 3rd is a very warm day (though there have been exceptions), but to be honest, the temperature this morning is actually comfortable, though it will warm up to the low 20s.

Like I said, I'm working today, and while I'll probably go out to a couple of meals over the next few days, possibly with my mom and/or friends (not together, people!) :), I don't have any real plans for my birthday and this weekend. (Other than to game from the other side of the table, where I get to look at the GM Screen!)

And hope that I get a snail mail package or three from Khepera Publishing/! ::cross fingers:: ::knock on wood::
Tags: birthday, health hut, office, ottawa, personal, weather, work

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