John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Sunday Game and April Book Thoughts

Didn't sleep all that well last night, so am feeling slightly groggy and all, even though I've been up for hours. The weather seems all right, and there is sunshine outside, so at least I don't feel tired and depressed. :)

Yesterday afternoon's gaming session saw spross attempting to playtest his Star Wars (West End d6 system) scenario for CanGames. I say "attempt" here because, as spross found out yesterday, the amount of work in man-hours that you put into a convention scenario for any rpg system is proportional to how well the scenario will work out. That said, I'm going to let him blog about "things that went wrong" with the scenario and so forth.

After supper, I spent the rest of the evening finishing up re-reading Tanith Lee's The Book of the Mad, the first book in the Secret Books of Paradys series.

On the subject of books and reading, the month of April was a pretty slow month for me this time around. I did manage to get in six (6) re-reads of books last month, including the The Hercules Text and A Talent for War, both by Jack McDevitt, The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman, and the Edgar Rice Burroughs classic A Princess of Mars. The only new book that I read this past month, well new for me at any rate) was Jeff VanderMeer's City of Saints and Madmen, which had been sitting in the queue for a while, and demanded reading. Fabulous book and all.

That brings my reading for the year up to 20 books through April, not the pace that I was hoping to set, but part of that was due to all the roleplaying game stuff that I was doing during the month as well. I am seriously hoping to do better reading-wise this month, and have already finished a couple of books.
Tags: books, cangames, edgar rice burroughs, jack mcdevitt, reading, rpg chat, tanith lee

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