John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Sunday's Game Session of Atlantis

As noted on Sunday, the Sunday players met for another game session of the Atlantis: The Second Age RPG campaign that they're playing through. I'll be blogging up a journal entry about the game session when I get a chance after transcribing the game notes (such as they are), but thought I'd offer a couple of thoughts here.

The game session went well enough, notable since certain events didn't go as expected because, to be honest, neither player has gotten into the "spirit" of the Sword & Sorcery genre and are using their Hero Points and their abilities as well as I thought they would. In one case, the player just doesn't "get" the genre that the game is simulating, and despite our various chats about this element of the game, has just not "worked" with the game and its mechanics. In the other case, the player just didn't tactically use their weapons to good advantage during a fight that the Heroes should have won out on.

There's more that I want to say about the game session and all, but I'll save that for the actual blog entry on the game.
Tags: atlantis rpg, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut, sunday gaming group

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