John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Sitting in the Hospital

It has been a terrible night.

I woke up at 2:30 am lying partly on my stomach, and the acid reflux so bad that it caused me to be choking and coughing with a burning sensation in my chest, throat, and mouth area. I staggered out of bed, covered in sweat, and managed to scarf down four teaspoons full of Gaviscon, which usually does the trick. It didn't.

I came to the hospital at 3:45 am, and have been sitting, waiting since then. I've got a small cup of ice chips, and that's helped to ease the pain somewhat. The pain is still pretty bad, and I'm unable to talk too much because of the choking and pain spasms wracking my thoat area.

I don't know when I'll see a doctor or anything, but I do know that I'm...scared.
Tags: acid reflux, health hut, hospital, personal, sick

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