John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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What to Run at CanGames 2015 and GenCon 2015?

Had several lulls at work this morning that have given me some time to think about stuff.

Specifically, what do I want to run at GenCon 2015 next year. While it might seem too early to start thinking about this, given that GenCon Indy 2015 is still almost a year away, it's never too early to start planning writing scenarios and setting up pre-gen characters and the like. Besides, I also have CanGames 2015 to consider as well. :)

While I'm going to run Atlantis: The Second Age at both conventions, there's also the possibility that I might a session or two of something else. I'm thinking of the Primeval RPG, or perhaps the Abney Park's Airship Pirates game, or maybe the soon-to-be-released River of Heaven science fiction roleplaying game. Lots of choices in this regard.

Certainly has given me some food for thought today.

Anyone else got an opinion to share?
Tags: airship pirates rpg, atlantis rpg, cangames, convention, gaming hut, gencon, personal, primeval rpg, river of heaven rpg, rpg hut

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