John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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A Night to Forget

I woke up this morning feeling better than I had the night before. That wouldn't be saying much, given that last night was a very rough night.

Things were all right to start the night off. Friday night's gaming session was a lot of fun, though it involved character generation for the a|state RPG. (I'll blog about that when I get a chance, but it may be a bit as my fingers are not doing well from all the stabbing with lancets at the moment.)

We broke from gaming for ten minutes while I administered the evening dose of Lantus, and I was fine. Kathy actually watched me take the dose, and she commented that my technique was pretty flawless and so forth. We went back to gaming for another half hour or so, but the...discomfort started shortly after I took the dose. Over the course of the next three hours the pain in the side of the abdomen where I had taken the injection of Lantus, the pain just got worse and worse (though I finally got to sleep around 1:30 am). Add to that a bloated feeling (the best term I can use to describe how I felt down there), and well... I woke up this morning with a sore side and pain in my back, but that was better than I'd felt the night before. I don't know what was responsible for the pain after taking the insulin injection, though I spoke to the pharmacist about this, but there are several possible reasons.

In any event, I had a blood glucose reading this morning of 6.8, so that was good. This is the target number for me at the moment, and I'm hoping the dose of Lantus that I'm up to stabilises the blood glucose at this level. Then I'll be able to take the next step, whatever it is.

The plan for today is to take it somewhat easy, and get some rest. I'm trying to take this one day at a time. Got a few things that I want to do today, but we'll see how things shape up.
Tags: a|state rpg, diabetes, friday gaming group, gaming hut, health hut, insulin, insulin therapy, personal, problems, rpg hut

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