John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Time for Some Dinosaur Gaming, with Christmas Surprises

I've spent the latter part of this afternoon doing some reading of the Primeval RPG rulebook, as I figured it was a good idea to refresh my memory about the game rules and the like for the game, since I'll be running it this evening.

I'm looking forward to running this scenario of the game, which I'm calling "A Primeval Christmas", for various reasons. First off, I haven't run the Primeval RPG in some time, and it's a game that I really like. Second, it's a Christmas-oriented scenario that I've created for the players, and I'm hoping they'll enjoy it. And I wouldn't mind running a Boxing Day game every year, if possible.

Anyway, time to head upstairs and see what I can make for supper. After that, an evening of Christmas-y gaming lies ahead, and am looking forward to this.

Have a good evening, all.
Tags: christmas, friday gaming group, gaming hut, personal, primeval rpg, rpg hut

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