John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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New Year's Eve Thoughts

So, here we are, once again. New Year's Eve.

While I hadn't planned to do much this New Year's Eve, other than to spend a relatively quiet evening just relaxing and taking it easy this year, things changed. As noted in a couple of earlier blog entries, the Wednesday night gaming group has decided that they wanted to game this evening, and so that's what I'll be doing. The gaming group will be playing their first session of the a|state roleplaying game this evening, and I'm rather looking forward to that.

Afterwards, they may hang around and stay to ring in the New Year, or they may head out. I'm not sure what will happen. But I'm looking forward to this evening. Regardless, time to start thinking of supper.

In any event, I would like to wish all my friends a very safe, healthy, and Happy New Year. Be good to yourselves, be good to each other, and I'll catch you here again in 2015. :)
Tags: a|state rpg, gaming hut, life, new year, new year's eve, personal, rpg hut, wednesday gaming group

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