John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Book Reads in January, 2015

2015. The new year. Another year to see what my reading for the year will be like.

Thus, as is my standard usage of my blog space at or near the beginning of the month, I present the listing of my January, 2015 reads.

Books Read in January, 2015

Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov (r)

Avenues & Alleyways by Malcolm Craig w/ Gregor Hutton Iain McAllister, Brian Nisbet, and Greg Saunders (RPG)

Venus Preserved by Tanith Lee

Atlantis: The Hero's Guide by Doug Bramlett, Kieran Turley, and Jerry D. Grayson (RPG)

Sundiver by David Brin (r)

January, 2015 Reader's Digest

Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds (r)

DW: AiTaS: The Seventh Doctor Sourcebook by Andrew Peregrine (RPG)

The Borribles Go For Broke by Michael de Larrabeiti

River of Heaven Science Fiction Roleplaying Game by John Ossoway (RPG)

January, 2015 Locus

And thus started my year of reading for 2015. I have to say that I was somewhat disappointed at the number of books and other stuff that I read in January, as it seemed to be a slow reading month to start off the new year, due to a variety of factors and being very busy with Real Life(tm). My favourites? Revelation Space< by Alastair Reynolds was highly enjoyable, but a very long read it seemed. I adored Venus Preserved by Tanith Lee, and quite enjoyed reading the River of Heaven science fiction roleplaying game, which scratches the itch I've had to run some contemporary sf rpg for some time. Overall, I managed to read 5 novels, 4 RPGs and RPG products, 2 magazines, 0 comics, and 0 graphic novels in January. Since this is the start of the year, it brings the year total in 2015 to a set of numbers that look like this: 5 books, 4 RPGs and RPG products, 2 magazines, 0 comics, and 0 graphic novels.

Anyway, thoughts and comments are always welcome. :)
Tags: books, month total, reading, reading hut

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