John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Busy Monday Morning

Monday morning.

Another work week, another week where I hope to heck that I'm feeling better than I have the last little while. And a week where I hope that family drama is done with.

I woke up this morning to another bitterly cold day in the Ottawa valley, and froze my cohones off when I went to work this morning. I was dressed warmly enough, but I've been feeling the weather a lot lately and with the wind chill, this was just a pretty bad morning weather-wise for me.

Work this morning is busy enough that I doubt I'll have much time for much of anything else here on this work day, though I hope to post a couple of blog entries during my morning coffee break. We'll see.

Once I get home this afternoon, I've got some vacuuming to do, folding some laundry, changing the bed linens, and the like. Might get a gaming blog in, and possibly some work on a few game-related things, but we'll see. Just feeling pretty tired, so...
Tags: health hut, housework, laundry, life, office, ottawa, personal, weather, work

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