John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Friday Afternoon

Home from work after a (seemingly) long work week.

Not a lot of plans for the weekend at this point, other than doing some Friday night and Sunday afternoon gaming, and going to sell some hardcover, trade, and paperback books on the weekend. (Still trying not to think too much about GenCon 2015 at the moment.)

For now, I'm looking forward to playing Atlantis: The Second Age tonight with the Friday night group, as they continue on with their game. Should be a lot of fun.

In the meantime, a quick nap, and then some prep work for tonight's game.
Tags: atlantis rpg, books, convention, friday gaming group, gaming hut, gencon, life, office, personal, preparation, reading hut, rpg hut, sell, weekend, work

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