John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Rainy Saturday Morning

Saturday morning.

It's cold and wet in the Ottawa valley, though the temperatures will warm up somewhat as the day goes on, but dear Goddess, I woke up and my bones were aching!

Gaming last night with the Friday night group was quite enjoyable. The players continued on with their Atlantis: The Second Age game campaign, and had a good night of it. I'll be blogging the game session once I get a chance to transcribe up my game notes from the adventure, but that will be later today if at all.

So far, the day has not been a good one for me. I woke up this morning after getting about 7-1/2 hours of rest, and... I don't feel like I've slept at all. Just feel tired and achy, and worn out. Hope I've not come down with some bug or other.

In the meantime, the rest of the day (such as it is) awaits.
Tags: atlantis rpg, friday gaming group, gaming hut, health hut, ottawa, personal, rpg hut, sleepless, weather

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