Lorina Foxxe (Kathy) - Thief Adventurer
Harria of Jeresindal (Angela) - Pacifistic Earth Mage
Tavis Brandywine (DavidM) - Halfling Merchant and Rafter
Jessa Taftin (Ellie) - Mysterious Young Girl
Jayden Frall (Mark) - Warrior Adventurer
[This text is a placeholder for the purpose of adding the journal entry on this game session to this blog entry after the running of the "Herbquest" scenario at CanGames 2016 in May.]
Friday night's game session of the DragonQuest RPG campaign was a pretty good session, though not from the players' point of view when we finished for the evening. Some bad positioning, a couple of bad tactics, and several poor dice rolls led to the player characters being somewhat beat up by the group of orcs that attacked the characters. The players did, however, get in some decent roleplaying and there were several delicious conversations among the various characters, so it wasn't a "doom and gloom" evening by any means. The player characters told me when it was over that they had enjoyed themselves immensely, though they had wondered if their characters would live through 11:15 pm!
Overall, an interesting session of the DragonQuest campaign, and the players are looking forward to next week's game session.
So am I! :)