That said, it's been a productive morning. I did some reading of books, and finished off another of the novels I'm reading (just in time for the end of month stuff), I managed to participate in this morning's Twitter #rpglifeuk chat (which was at 6:00 am, Ottawa time), and edited another section of the-- um, no, can't talk about that at all. Mental slip there.
I'm tired, and still having that problem mentioned in the previous blog entry. That said, I've been working the last half-hour on a scenario idea for the Polaris 3rd Edition RPG, and it's coming along nicely. Could be the scenario for CanGames 2017, but we'll see how that shapes up. This afternoon, I'll be running the Primeval RPG with the Sunday gaming group. Just hope I can a) keep the plot straight and b) stay awake (not sure which of those two is more important; actually yes, I think (b) is more important).
In the meantime, I'm going to go back into the shower for another soak, and then get ready for this afternoon's gaming session, and eat some lunch. Goddess only knows what at the moment.
Have a good day, folks.