John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Friday Morning Musings and Ravings

It's Friday morning. Almost got to the weekend.

It's another hot day here in Ottawa, with an expected high of 32oC (with a humidex of around 39 or 40), so I'll be trying to stay inside as much as possible.

Work this morning is fine, though somewhat busy, but I'll be off to the hospital for another appointment in the early afternoon. At least this will be the last one for the week, thank Goddess.

I started the higher dose of Gabapentin yesterday, and I have to say that it's making a little bit of a difference pain-wise, though it's also left me feeling a bit calmer, as well as somewhat slowing me down (at least that's how it feels). Hopefully, the side effects of the new dose won't last too long, but we'll see how that goes.

I'm looking forward to gaming this evening with the Friday night group, but I'll talk about that in a separate post later today.

And finally, needless to say, I've spent way too much time on Twitter following some of the thread about GenCon 2016, and checking out various photos people have posted about the convention so far. Quite envious, of course, but dealing with it. Besides, I've got plenty of stuff to read in the Polaris 3rd Edition game materials, as well as some of the rpg editing I'm currently doing. So definitely keeping busy gaming-wise. :)
Tags: convention, editing, friday gaming group, gaming hut, gencon, health hut, heat, life, medication, office, ottawa, personal, polaris rpg, rpg hut, weather, work, writing

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