John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Happy Birthday, Matt McFarland!

Happy Birthday, Matt! :)

Today is the birthday of Matthew McFarland, one of the nicest people in the gaming industry that you're likely to meet.

Also known as "BlackHat Matt", Matt works as a speech-language pathologist during the day, but has been writing and developing roleplaying games professionally since 1998. He's got a lot of rpg writing and assorted work under his belt, but is currently a founder of the company Growling Door Games and has just released the SAVE Sourcebook for the Chill 3rd Edition RPG.

May the Goddess bless you with happiness, health, prosperity, and good cheer for the coming year. May you always have a warm breeze at your back. And may the next year also be a Chilly one as well. :)

Here's hoping you have a terrific birthday, Matt! :)
Tags: birthday, chill rpg, friends list, gaming hut, personal, rpg hut

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