John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Getting Ready for Wednesday Night Gaming

The good news is that the antibiotic has done its job, and I'm feeling pretty good at the moment. The bad news is that the antibiotic has wreaked havoc on my tummy and bowels, so I'm feeling pretty miserable down there. That said...

It's Wednesday night, so time for some regularly scheduled gaming on this second alternate week.

The Wednesday night gaming group will be starting their campaign of the Coriolis - The Third Horizon RPG, and I'm really looking forward to this. This "Arabian Nights in space" game is just so much fun, and inspires me creatively a lot, so it's one that I keep looking forward to playing.

First up, is a trip to the kitchen to make some supper for this evening.

Have a good evening, folks. :)
Tags: coriolis rpg, food hut, gaming hut, health hut, personal, rpg hut, supper, wednesday gaming group

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