John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Packing for Friday's Session at CanGames

I've been suffering from the bout of allergies combined with an asthma attack for most of the day (though some basic meds and good old hot tea have done much to help), and have a bit of a sore/irritated throat.

I finally felt well enough in the late afternoon and early evening to start doing the packing of gaming stuff that I need to do for CanGames, which begins tomorrow. Well, at least the gaming stuff for the Coriolis - The Third Horizon RPG session that I'm scheduled to run on Friday night. Scenario, dice, paper & pencils, Darkness Point markers, character sheets for the players, and so forth. Started assembling and putting together some of the stuff that I need to take with me vis a vis medications, toiletry stuff (you never know), and some of the foodstuffs for snacking and the like, but that won't get packed until I am getting ready to hit the road late tomorrow morning. Most of the rest of the gaming stuff for the weekend is "assembled" and virtually ready to go, just needing to be packed the night before the running of the games.

I'm looking forward to CanGames this year moreso than in past years, since I've not panicked about the convention or stuff because, I suspect, I've been far more occupied with health concerns that have arisen over the month. That said, I find bringing all the meds and stuff that I need, as well as the gaming stuff itself, a pain in the neck. (I could resolve the latter part by not running any games at the convention, but truth be told, I do like offering some of the more eclectic and/or indie games that I run for folks to play in.)
Tags: cangames, convention, coriolis rpg, health hut, packing, personal, preparation, rpg chat, rpg hut

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