John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Friday Night Gaming Session Cancelled

I've will not be gaming with the Friday night gamers this evening.

While I still don't have much of a voice (so you can continue to call me the Whispering GM, or perhaps "Whispering John" (hmm...there's a villain or beastie of some sort there :)), the antibiotic hasn't taken effect yet, and the con crud has laid me out somewhat.

I had hoped to be able to game tonight, and was frankly looking forward to getting back into the Friday campaign of Coriolis - The Third Horizon, but such is not the case. Hopefully, the
Icons will smile down on me somewhat soon. Please. :)

Tags: coriolis rpg, friday gaming group, gaming hut, health hut, personal, rpg hut, session cancelled, sick

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