John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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RPGaDay in August - August 14th: Open-Ended RPG Play?

We continue on with #RPGaDAY in August.



Day 14 - Which RPG do you prefer for open-ended campaign play?

In my opinion, I think that every rpg out there is suitable for open-ended campaign play, but it takes some effort on the part of the GM to run such a campaign and to keep making new game scenarios and materials for such campaigns. And this also takes effort and work on the part of the players to make such a campaign successful.

That said, I can see where some rpgs, like those suitable for children, might not be suited to open-ended campaigns, but suspect that they can be adapted to such play, depending on the children playing the game and the person running it wanting to take it in that direction.

(Note: Just so that folks know, since I'm going to GenCon Indy tomorrow, I'll be posting tomorrow's #RPGaDay entry automatically tomorrow, but will catch up on the rest of the month when I get back from Indianapolis.)
Tags: #rpgaday, gaming hut, personal, rpg hut

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