John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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RPGaDay in August - August 16th: Using an RPG As Is

Well, I've fallen behind a bit on the #RPGaDAY for August, due to the trip out to Indianapolis for GenCon Indy 2017, so I'll do some catching up on these each day.

We continue on with #RPGaDAY in August.



Day 16 - Which RPG do you enjoy using as is?

That's easy...

I use all rpgs as they are for at least one full adventure until I can determine whether I want to make some alterations or minor tweaks and additions to the game. However, I've always run the DragonQuest RPG, 2nd Edition and the Primeval RPG as they are. Great sets of rules, to be honest. I'm also enjoying running the Coriolis - The Third Horizon RPG these days pretty much as is as well.
Tags: #rpgaday, coriolis rpg, dragonquest rpg, gaming hut, personal, primeval rpg, rpg hut

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