John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Friday Evening Gaming Session Cancelled

Once more, it pains me (no pun intended) to say this...

Gaming is off for tonight, as I'm just in too much pain in the neck, back, shoulder, and arm(s) to game tonight, as I'm really unable to focus on stuff very clearly. Kathy and the other gamers were quite disappointed at the news, but completely understand. Kathy also told me that Ellie is down with some sort of cold or virus (they hope it's not the flu or anything like that), so she and Ellie would not be gaming tonight, regardless.

I'm sad that we're not going to continue on with the The Dark Eye RPG campaign this evening, but such is my life at the moment. Heck, I'm lucky if I can stand at all. Going to lie down now for a while before having to get up and make supper.
Tags: friday gaming group, gaming hut, health hut, personal, rpg hut, session cancelled, the dark eye rpg

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