John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Yesterday's Physio Appointment

Had another physiotherapy appointment yesterday afternoon. Only my third appointment since coming back from GenCon.

Woke up yesterday morning, and didn't feel all that great. Lots of pain, and some dizziness. Managed to eat some scrambled eggs with veggies and cheese for breakfast, then showered, and then took care of a couple of laundry issues. Headed out for the physio clinic, ">Quality Care Physiotherapy, and got there in time for my appointment, though I had problems parking the car.

The physio appointment went relatively well, though not without a lot of pain involved, and when I was finished I made two appointments for next week. I went downstairs to the small little restaurant in the building, ETC, and had a bowl of broccoli and cauliflower soup with a grilled cheese sandwich and some side greens for lunch. Yummy! :)

I dropped off at mom's place and picked her up, and then took her to the local Basics store. After shopping with her, my who left side of the body was hurting again. All the physio care wasted. I took the groceries I'd picked up and went home after dropping her off at her place, and took another painkiller.

Spent a quiet evening watching the Ottawa Senators continue their losing ways with a 4-1 loss to the St. Louis Blues, and then read for about half an hour. Took care of the nightly insulin shot and then washed up and went to bed. And didn't sleep much...again.

Tags: appointment, food hut, grocery shopping, health hut, housework, life, lunch, mom, nhl hockey, ottawa senators, personal, physiotherapy

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