I came, I gamed, I survived. (I think.)
I'm home from CanGames 2018 (well, about an hour or so ago, iirc), and have come through the convention in pretty good shape, I think. There were some really excellent moments, a couple of not-so-great moments, but I think I enjoyed my weekend of gaming immensely for the most part. I will be posting up three or four journal entries during the next week or so about the convention, but for now I'm just glad CanGames is over for 2018.
I don't remember exactly when I got back to the house, but have not unpacked any of the gaming stuff and am about to go relax before tonight's insulin injection, then hopefully get some sleep. I've got my diabetic leg lesion (and the massive dose of antibiotics that I'm on) as well as the shoulder problems, and I hope I haven't picked up con crud at the convention. Remarkably, my voice actually survived the convention this year, though it's a bit raspy.
Good night, all.