John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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RPGaDay in August - August 4th: What is Your Most Memorable NPC?

We continue on with #RPGaDay in August.



Day 4 - What is your most memorable NPC?

LOL! This one is easy.

Tafip Ho-Trid was a Thriddle inquistor in a multi-session story arc of the SkyRealms of Jorune RPG campaign that I ran back in 1985 and 1986. He was called in to investigate the player characters are a botched mission for their employer, to keep a set of eyes on them and make sure they were working for their employer's good. Needless to say, Tafip Ho-Trid drove the player characters absolutely nuts during the course of his extended run, but in the end proved the characters to be blameless in terms of the botched mission.
Tags: #rpgaday, gaming hut, personal, rpg hut

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