John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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RPGaDay in August - August 10th: How Has Gaming Changed You?

We continue on with #RPGaDay in August.



Day 9 - How has gaming changed you?

Hmm, interesting question, and tougher than I thought.

I think that gaming has changed me in a positive way in two aspects. First of all, I'm much less of an introvert than I was when I started gaming (some 40+ years ago). And I'm a lot better socially adjusted, I think. Secondly, my interests became more diversified as a gamer than they were before, as I've found myself researching various subjects for the games I'm running. So my knowledge base has become...broader.

If gaming has changed me for the worse, part of the equation that you can't really not go into, it's that my taste in games has shaped me as a gamer, and I'm not one to game (either play or run) games with genres that I don't like or elements of the game that turn me off. And no, I've got nothing else to say on this matter. :)
Tags: #rpgaday, gaming hut, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut

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