John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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RPGaDay in August - August 20th: Which Game Mechanic Inspires Your Play the Most?

We continue on with #RPGaDay in August.



Day 20 - Which game mechanic inspires your play the most?

Hmmm... Interesting question...

I'd have to say that the game mechanic that inspires me the most are storytelling game mechanics. And they may not be the obvious mechanics. In the Primeval RPG, based on the UK tv series, dinosaurs and creatures had a Threat mechanic that dictated their behaviour to some extent, but also was rife with storytelling ideas. In the forthcoming John Carter of Mars - The Roleplaying Game system, Momentum points can lead some interesting roleplaying opportunities, as well as some neat actions in combat (or even in non-combat situations). These are just two of the elements that I really like in this regard to game mechanics.

'Nuff said on the subject for today. :)
Tags: #rpgaday, gaming hut, john carter of mars rpg, personal, primeval rpg, rpg chat, rpg hut

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