John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Hospital Appointment Results

I've not spoken about it, other than on Twitter, but... Three weeks ago, I broke two ribs on the right side of my body. Today, I'm home from my second follow-up appointment at the Ottawa General about the broken ribs. The news is not good.

My two broken ribs are not healing, or if they are, they're healing very slowly, much slower than expected. This is likely due to the fact that, living on my own, I'm having to do everything myself so don't really have a chance to give the ribs a rest, so to speak.

Anyway, the doctor had me given two calcium injections and a cortisone shot, and has ordered me to stay off my feet for three or four days, get some bed rest, and relax.

Gonna do my best, but not sure I'll be able to follow the doctor's orders all that well. We'll see.
Tags: appointment, health hut, hospital, personal, results, treatment

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