John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Submission of Games for CanGames, 2019

Well, as noted in this journal entry, I received my invitation to submit games that I'd like to run at CanGames 2019 back in late January. Yesterday evening, I finally submitted a couple of games that I'm planning to run at the convention the weekend of May 17th to 19th this year.

I've submitted games for Capharnaüm - Tales of the Dragon-Marked and another game that I can't mention as of yet due to legalities, and am hoping to run a game on Sunday as well. Looking forward to running the games at the convention, and I will post specifics on the games when things become official.
Tags: blue planet rpg, cangames, capharnaum rpg, convention, gaming hut, registration, rpg chat, rpg hut, submissions

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