John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Getting Ready for Friday Night Gaming

The Ottawa valley is in the middle of a heatwave, and today has been brutally hot once more. There's actually a heat warning for the Ottawa valley for the today and the weekend. The temperature has hit 33 degC with a humidex of over 40 degC. I'm very tired, have made a dedicated attempt today to stay hydrated, but still have a bit of a headache. Definitely going to make sure I drink a good amount of water from now until I go to bed. (And I intend to keep the gamers this evening hydrated as well.)

In the meantime, the Friday night group is gaming this evening, and they are quite looking forward to tonight's session. The Friday night gamers will be continuing their John Carter of Mars Roleplaying Game campaign of sword & planet adventure on the world of Barsoom created by Edgar Rice Burroughs this evening.

I'm rather looking forward to running the game this evening, though I am tired, hurting, and a bit... wheezy, for lack of a better term. Must be the heat, the humidity and my allergies and asthma.

In the meantime, I need to carefully go upstairs and make something relatively filling for supper.

Have a good evening, folks. :)
Tags: food hut, friday gaming group, health hut, heatwave, hydration, john carter of mars rpg, ottawa, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut, supper, weather

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