John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Sunday Afternoon Gaming Cancelled

Once again, the Sunday afternoon regularly scheduled gaming session that was due to take place today has been cancelled.

Tammy and I spoke during the week, and with Ottawa still being a current hot spot and red zone for the coronavirus pandemic and the second wave, she and I felt it best and prudent that we take gaming off today (Sunday). Since I'm still feeling under the weather, this made sense. SteveR was a bit disappointed, as he was looking forward to gaming, but he agreed with us in the end. So today's gaming session is off.

This means that I won't be running the scheduled session of the Sunday afternoon Zorro: The Roleplaying Game campaign this afternoon. I'm looking forward to running the next session of the Sunday campaign whenever that happens, hopefully in the next two weeks.

That said, I've made plans with SteveR to go out to the Comic Book Shoppe to pick up the last two (or three?) months' worth of comics and hopefully a couple of Treasury Collection size back boards.
Tags: comic book shoppe, comics hut, coronavirus, health hut, pandemic, personal, rpg hut, session cancelled, sunday gaming group, zorro rpg

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