John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Mom's Special Day

Well, the morning somewhat cool, only about 60C (about 420F), but it's supposed to warm up to the mid-teens, so it should be a comfortable day. If the sun comes out by lunch time, I hope to take a bit of a walk.

Yesterday, Sunday, was a pretty good day.

I called my mom around 9:30 am, and wished her a Happy Mother's Day. She told me that she got the flowers that I had sent over, and that she loved them. We chatted for a bit, and then I told her that she should just take the rest of the day and do whatever she wanted to do, and that I would be over to pick her up so that we could go out to dinner that night. She tends to run around on Sundays, taking care of stuff for herself and all, but I felt that she really needed to relax a bit. She asked me where I was taking her for dinner, but I said that would be a surprise. :)

The Sunday gaming group showed up to game, but I'll go into that separately in another post later. After the gang left around 6:00 pm, I called mom to see if she was ready to go out to dinner. I drove over to her place, and picked mom up, and then told her that since I knew she liked Italian food, I had booked a reservation (one has to book reservations for Mother's Day, after all!) at the very nice Ristorante Chianti downtown. Mom really enjoyed her meal, and we had a nice, quiet time eating good Italian food. It was a bit cool and rainy in the evening, so I took mom back to her place, and we had some tea and cake, before I left there around 10:00 pm or so.

By the time I got back to Casa Kahane that evening, I was pretty wiped out but had a bit of stuff to do before bed, so took care of that.

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