Work was pretty hectic today, but that's to be expected given the job that I'm working on right now and the fact that the Victoria Day weekend is approaching as we speak.
My abdomen and bowels were somewhat well-behaved, although I've had a modicum of pain in the abdo area, and the bowel movements have been...umm, never mind. Suffice it to say that I've been trying to avoid stress, have been somewhat more circumspect about what I've been eating the last day or so, and am generally trying to take it easy. Gotta be ready to go to CanGames this weekend.
Had an appointment for my regular footcare clinic treatment today on my way home. My left pinkie toenail got cut again, bleeding somewhat. The blood vessel is too close to my nail in that one, and it's now sore and painful. The rest of my feet are feeling quite wonderful at the moment. Went for my roughly monthly footcare clinic treatment, a real joy. We'll see how the toe is doing when Friday comes around...
Speaking of CanGames, the next day or so will see my spare time spent getting ready for the convention and the two games that I'm going to be running. (You can see what games I'll be running at the convention at the link.) You'd think by now that I'd remember the game mechanics for the stuff that I'm running, but it's more about re-reading the adventures, the player characters, and some other stuff so that I'm prepared. That and Mind Like A Sieve(MLAS; tm). :)
Hope to see some of my LJ friends there, as well as some of the folks I call friends on Twitter.