John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Home From Work, and Gaming Tonight

Got back home about three-quarters of an hour ago from work.

It was a long, full day, made more difficult by the business with my mother in the late morning, so I had to put in some extra time to compensate, as the job is a little bit behind of where she would be on the current project.

The weather is hot and nasty and uncomfortable outside, but not as bad as it's been the past week as the humidity is considerably down, and there's a bit of a refreshing breeze out there. Stopped off to pick up a few vegetables and something meat for tomorrow night's supper, and to have a stock of veggies in the house so I can snack on them over the course of the weekend.

When I got back to the house, there was a call from Kathy to tell me that the Friday night group have decided they want to play the new Primeval RPG, based on the UK tv series of the same name. The game won't be out until some time in October (the latest word that I've heard, though I could be wrong), but I do have a PDF of the playtest material and an early layout version, so can use that to run the game. I've got a few adventures in mind for the game, so we'll see where this goes tonight, though part of tonight will be Character Generation.

Stay tuned for more on the game tomorrow here in my blog.

In the meantime, got to get ready to head out to the West End. Looking forward to the game tonight.
Tags: friday gaming group, grocery shopping, ottawa, personal, primeval rpg, rpg chat, weather, work

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