John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Thoughts for a Monday

A very difficult weekend, as folks can imagine, given my most recent blog post.

I had a pretty good weekend for the most part, computer problems not withstanding, as I ran both the Friday and Sunday sessions of the Abney Park's Airship Pirates roleplaying game, and both groups had a pretty good time. For me, the two games served as excellent distractions from the other stuff that was going on, and both games were a lot of fun as mentioned, so that helped. Will be blogging about the game(s) when I have the chance this week.

Not even going to talk about the computer problems and all that stuff, since there's not much to say. I've got a basic computer system on my hands here at home, and will be buying myself another computer sometime in the very near future.

Today was a day for medical stuff, as I set up my appointment for the flu shot at the doctor's office next week, and also went for a bone scan. Not a pleasant experience by any stretch of the imagination, but it's done and over with, and so just have to wait for the results. Other than footcare appointment next week, no more doctors for a bit (other than a regular doctor's appointment the second or third week of November.

In the meantime, going to make some supper now and relax tonight with episodes of Dancing with the Stars and Castle. And I'm taping Terra Nova as per usual.
Tags: abney park, airship pirates rpg, bone scan, castle, computer, computer woes, dancing with the stars, doctor, personal, rpg chat, terra nova, tv hut

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