John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Deep Time

Just got home from Geology class. Exhausted as heck, but thought I would mention it.

This couple of weeks we've been studying the subject of Deep Time and the different aspects and elements of geology as it pertains to Deep Time. (For another explanation of Deep Time that might make sense to readers, I suggest you check out Deep Time - the Geologic Time Scale by Jennifer M. Wenner for more.)

Suffice it to say that this particular subject has been fascinating to me, and I've got my head actually wrapped around this material for the most part. Looking forward to more on this subject for December, as well as the field trip to a museum or other for the month.

For now, however, I'm tired, so I'm off to bed.
Tags: class, deep time, geology, personal, school

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