John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Friday Night Gaming

Good morning to everyone!

Feeling a bit better about life and stuff this a.m., and have been thinking of how to avoid the stress and all that I've been feeling these days. Have come up with partial solutions, but nothing really firm and solid to deal with stuff.

In the meantime, the Friday night gaming group continued their All For One: Régime Diabolique game campaign last night, and had a pretty good night of it. Will be blogging the game session journals of this stuff as soon as I get a chance, but for now, just know that the party of characters has done a wonderful job with the game system, its world, and mechanics.

Rather enjoying the game, and looking forward to running it at CanGames 2012.
Tags: all for one rpg, cangames, friday gaming group, gaming hut, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut, stress

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