I drove over to mom's place around 6:15 pm, cranking up the air conditioner in the car as the day was still wetly hot even by that time, and picked up my sister and my mother. Mom told me that, based on my recommendation from the last time I was there, we would go to eat Chinese food at Brother Wu. I was amenable to that, so I drove over to the restaurant, and we enjoyed the evening meal. Not going into detail about the meal, but it was an excellent repast filled with good food, and some leftovers that I have at home now!, and good conversation and just catching up with each other and all.
I have to say that I've stopped ordering Chinese food in at home because, to be honest, it just doesn't taste the same when you have take-out or delivery as when you eat it hot and fresh in the actual restaurant itself. Going to eat at Brother Wu was just what I needed tonight, and to be honest, reinforced my decision never to order Chinese food in again.