John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Lunch Thoughts for a Saturday

Had a late lunch, and just hope it wasn't a mistake.

I had three spoons of homemade tuna casserole, followed by a piece of toast with canned salmon (in water, not oil) on it. The casserole was one of the ones that I had made and then frozen the leftover portions, so I added a bit of milk to it before heating it up.

We'll see how it goes down, I guess, but in the meantime, I have a nice little lump in the side of my neck, about 2 to 3 inches below my ear from the chewing. Bad salivary gland. :(

And for the record, if I never have to eat another drop of chicken, vegetable, or beef broth again, I will be quite content. Horrible stuff on its own, and either totally salty (if it's regular broth) or no taste at all (if it's the reduced salt version).
Tags: food hut, health hut, lunch, personal

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