The Shadows of Esteren roleplaying game is one of the best that I've seen at bringing out character and personality from the players (at least when they make an effort to do so). The game system itself is just so seamless, so tight as systems go, and doesn't make the Game Leader (GL) agonize over decisions and mechanical aspects, notably in combat, which is handled simply and smoothly, without hundred of tactical options and having a very lethal aspect present to it at all times.
The players had a good time in the game, and told me that they're really enjoying playing Shadows of Esteren, though they are finding the combat system rather "scary" at this point. Kathy said it's just a matter of getting used to it, but Nick came back with the idea that while armour is important, a skilled foe will always make mince meat out of a decently armoured foe using smart tactics.
That's all I'll say for now, but will be blogging about the game session in the next couple of days.
In the meantime, out to check on mom and pick up some veggies for supper.