John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Hump Day

Wednesday. Hump Day. Thank Goddess the work week is just about done.

Today promises to be a long day as well. I'm sitting here at the office, doing the best I can do for the job, for a couple of others, but will need to head out to the hospital for the second of my CT scans that are being done today at 1:00 pm. Needless to say, the boss is not thrilled I'll be leaving the office "early" again today.

From there, I need to go and fill the car with some gasoline. It's running on fumes at the moment, and there's the winter storm coming either tomorrow or Friday. Oh, and I need to pick up a few groceries and other odds and ends, so that's a priority for the afternoon. Hopefully, the stores won't be too busy.
Tags: appointment, boss, car, ct scan, doctor, grocery shopping, health hut, hospital, personal, storm, winter, work

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