John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Book Reads in December, 2012

A new year. As has been my policy since July, 2010, I've been posting up here the list of books that I've read every month. Figured that there was no harm in continuing that policy this year, and so here for your pleasure, I present my reads for the last month of 2012.

Books Read in December, 2012

Dark Sleeper by Jeffrey E. Barlough (r)

Unwelcome Bodies by Jennifer Pelland

Shadow of the Seer by Michael Scott Rohan

August, 2012 Reader's Digest

Dinosaurs Rediscovered by Don Lessem

At the Mouth of the River of Bees by Kij Johnson

September, 2012 Reader's Digest

GURPS Dinosaurs by Stephen Dedman (RPG) (r)

October, 2012 Reader's Digest

December, 2012 was not one of the great months of the year that I had with reading, though I did manage to read four new books this month and only one re-read. All sorts of stuff going on to do this month, and I was busy with a few other things, so not a lot of time for book reading this past month to wrap up the year.

Overall, I managed to read 5 novels, 1 RPG and RPG products, 5 magazines, 0 comics, and 0 graphic novels in December. This brings the 2012 year end totals up to the following: 82 books, 24 RPGs and RPG products, 26 magazines, 654 comics, and 0 graphic novels. These totals for the year were much better than the 2011 totals, and I actually read fifteen (15) more novels than I did a year ago, so that's pretty good.

Anyway, thoughts and comments are always welcome. :)
Tags: books, month total, reading, reading hut, year total

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